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PhD Supervisors

姓名 屠红 性别
学历 博士 职称 研究员
联系电话 021-64437196 电子邮箱 tuhong@@shsci.org
通讯地址 上海市斜土路2200弄25号

上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 肿瘤学  博士

上海交通大学生物医学工程院   生物学  硕士、博士


1990年毕业于上海医科大学,获博士学位。1999年至2001年在法国巴斯德研究所INSERM U370从事博士后研究工作。曾在上海医科大学微生物学教研室、美国南加州大学医学院霍华德休斯研究院和美国路易斯安娜州立大学PBRC研究所工作。现任上海市肿瘤研究“癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室”课题组长,研究员,博导。主要从事肝癌的病毒病因学和高危人群的预测预警工作,以及神经精神因素对恶性肿瘤的系统调控研究。先后负责国家自然科学基金面上项目、上海市科委重大项目、“十二五”、“十三五”国家科技重大专项等科研项目,研究成果获国家教委科技进步一等奖(第二排名)、上海中西医结合科学技术三等奖(第二排名)及中-法科技协会生物技术奖等奖项。累计发表科研论文103 余篇,其中 SCI 论文 70 篇,包括Nature Cell Biology、 Journal of Hepatology、Cancer Research、Carcinogenesis 等。第一作者或通讯作者论文47篇,被引次数近1000 次。参编中、英文论著5部,获国家发明专利授权5项。担任《World Journal of Gastroenterology》、《Hepatoma Research》、《肿瘤》等杂志编委,上海市抗癌协会传统医学专业委员会委员。






1.       Fan C, Li M, Gan Y, Chen T, Sun Y, Lu J, Wang J, Jin Y, Lu J, Qian G, Gu J, Chen J, Tu H. A simple AGED   score for risk classification of primary liver cancer: development and validation with long-term  prospective HBsAg-positive cohorts in Qidong, China. Gut. 2018 May 2. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316525.

2.       Li M, Gan Y, Fan C, Yuan H, Zhang X, Shen Y, Wang Q, Meng Z, Xu D, Tu H. Hepatitis B virus and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: An updated meta-analysis of 58 studies. J Viral Hepat.2018 Mar 13. doi: 10.1111/jvh.12892.

3.       Shen Y, Gan Y, Gao H, Fan Y, Wang Q, Yuan H, Song Y, Wang J, Tu H. TNFSF9 exerts an inhibitory effect on hepatocellular carcinoma. J Dig Dis. 2017, 18(7):395-403

4.       Song Y, Gan Y, Wang Q, Meng Z, Li G, Shen Y, Wu Y, Li P, Yao M, Gu J, Tu H. Enriching the Housing Environment for Mice Enhances Their NK Cell Antitumor Immunity via Sympathetic Nerve-Dependent Regulation of NKG2D and CCR5. Cancer Res. 2017 Apr 1;77(7):1611-1622

5.       Wu Y, Gan Y, Yuan H, Wang Q, Fan Y, Li G, Zhang J, Yao M, Gu J, Tu H. Enriched environment housing enhances the sensitivity of mouse pancreatic cancer to chemotherapeutic agents. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2016, 473(2) :593-9

6.       Xu J, Xu L, Yang B, Wang L, Lin X, Tu H. Assessing methylation status of PAX1 in cervical scrapings, as a novel diagnostic and predictive biomarker, was closely related to screen cervical cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol, 2015, 8(2):1674-81

7.       Fan Y, Gan Y, Sheng Y, Cai X, Song Y, Zhao F, Yao M, Gu J, Tu H. Leptin signaling enhances cell invasion and promotes the metastasis of human pancreatic cancer via increasing MMP-13 production. Oncotarget, 2015, 6(18):16120-34

8.       Li G, Gan Y, Fan Y, Wu Y, Lin H, Song Y, Cai X, Yu X, Pan W, Yao M, Gu J, Tu H. Enriched Environment Inhibits Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Down-regulates the Expression of Mitochondria-related Genes in Cancer Cells. Sci Rep, 2015, 5: 7856-64

9.       Zhao ZM, Jin Y, Gan Y, Zhu Y, Chen TY, Wang JB, Sun Y, Cao ZG, Qian GS, Tu H. Novel approach to identifying the hepatitis B virus pre-S deletions associated with hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol, 2014, 20(37): 13573-81

10.     Wu Y, Gan Y, Gao F, Zhao Z, Jin Y, Zhu Y, Sun Z, Wu H, Chen T, Wang J, Sun Y, Fan C, Xiang Y,Qian G, Groopman JD, Gu J, Tu H. Novel Natural Mutations in the Hepatitis B Virus Reverse Transcriptase Domain Associated with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2014, 9(5):e94864  

11.     Cai X, Gan Y, Fan Y, Hu J, Jin Y, Chen F, Chen T, Sun Y, Wang J, Qin W, Tu H. The adiponectin gene single-nucleotide polymorphism rs1501299 is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma risk. Clin Transl Oncol. 2014,16(2):166-72 

12.     Jin Y, Gao H, Chen H, Wang J, Chen M, Li G, Wang L, Gu J, Tu H. Identification and impact of hepatitis B virus DNA and antigens in pancreatic cancer tissues and adjacent non-cancerous tissues. Cancer Lett. 2013, 335(2):447-54.

13.     Chen M, Li G, Yan J, Lu X, Cui J, Ni Z, Cheng W, Qian G, Zhang J, Tu H. Reevaluation of glypican-3 as a serological marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin Chim Acta. 2013, 423:105-11

14.     Hong Tu. Leptin, Adiponectin and Cancer. Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides (2nd edition). P524-530, Edited by Abba Kastin Published: FEB-2013, ISBN: 9780123850959, ACADEMIC PRESS,Elsevier Inc

15.     Zhu Y, Jin Y, Cai X, Bai X, Chen M, Chen T, Wang J, Qian G, Gu J, Li J, Tu H.  Hepatitis B virus core protein variations differ in tumor and adjacent nontumor tissues from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Intervirology, 2012;55(1):29-35

16.     Bai X, Zhu Y, Jin Y, Guo X, Qian G, Chen T, Zhang J, Wang J, Groopman JD, Gu J, Tu H. Temporal acquisition of sequential mutations in the enhancer II and basal core promoter of HBV in individuals at high-risk for hepatocellular carcinoma. Carcinogenesis, 2011, 32(1):63-8.

17.     Zhu Y, Jin Y, Guo X, Bai X, Chen T, Wang J, Qian G, Groopman JD, Gu J, Li J, Tu H. Comparison study of complete sequences of hepatitis B virus identifies new mutations in core gene associated with hepatocellular carcinoma.  Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev,2010, 19(10):2623-30.

18.     Guo X, Jin Y, Qian G, Tu H. Sequential accumulation of the mutations in core promoter of hepatitis B virus is associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in Qidong, China. J Hepatol. 2008, 49(5):718-25.

19.     Tu H, Hsuchou H, Kastin AJ, Wu X, Pan W. Unique leptin trafficking by a tailless receptor. FASEB J, 2010 24(7):2281-91

20.     Tu H, Kastin AJ, Hsuchou H, Pan W. Soluble receptor inhibits leptin transport. J Cell Physiol. 2008, 214(2):301-305

21.     Tu H, Kastin AJ, and Pan W. Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor (CRHR)1 and CRHR2 are both trafficking and signaling receptors for urocortin. Mol Endocrinol, 2007, 21(3):700-711

22.     Tu H, Pan W, Fencht L, Kastin AJ. Convergent trafficking pattern of leptin after endocytosis mediated by ObRa-ObRd. J Cell Physiol, 2007

23.     Tu H, Kastin AJ, Peng T, Bjorbek C, Pan W. Urocortin trafficking in cerebral microvessel endothelial cells. J Mol Neurosci, 2007

24.     Gao L, Tu H, Shi ST, Lee KJ, Asanaka M, Hwang SB, Lai MM.. Interaction with a ubiquitin-like protein enhances the ubiquitination and degradation of hepatitis C virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. J Virol, 2003, 77(7): 4149-4159

25.     Tu H, Bonura C, Giannini C, Mouly H, Soussan P, Kew M, Paterlini-Bréchot P, Bréchot C, Kremsdorf D.  Biological impact of natural COOH-terminal deletions of hepatitis B virus X protein in hepatocellular carcinoma.  Cancer Res, 2001, 61(21):7803-7810

26.     Tu H, Gao L, Shi ST, Taylor DR, Yang T, Mircheff AK, Wen Y, Gorbalenya AE, Hwang SB, Lai MM..  Hepatitis C virus RNA polymerase and NS5A complex with a SNARE-like protein.  Virology, 1999, 263(1):30-41


1. 国家重点研发计划,2017YFC0908103,“肝癌/肝病临床和社区人群大型队列研究“子课题“肝癌高危人群社区队列研究”, 2017.07-2020.12

2. 国家科技部“十三五”科技重大专项,2017ZX10201201-008-003,“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”子课题“不同危险度乙肝重点人群干预策略的研究与应用效果评价”,2017.01-2020.12

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81572312,胰腺癌中乙肝病毒整合及整合靶基因MLL4的插入诱变机制研究,2016.01-2019.12

4. 癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室自主课题,91-1707,受应激调控基因UQCRC1在胰腺癌中的作用及机制研究,2017.7-2020.6

5. 癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室自主课题,91-1800,丰富生存环境联合能量限制抑制肿瘤的作用及其免疫调控机制,2017.12-2019.11



甘愉  博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师

金晏  学士,主管技师,实验室管理

乔杰  博士,助理研究员

张伟  博士,实习研究员

王晴   博士生

李梦鸽  博士生

李进  硕士生

刘婷婷   硕士生

杨春梅  硕士生


ICP备案号:沪ICP备15036656号-1 版权所有:上海市肿瘤研究所